As Mother's Day approaches, let us pause to celebrate the remarkable mothers who grace our lives with love, strength, and boundless creativity. Among these extraordinary women are the talented artists and shop owners in the PMU industry, whose passion and dedication not only shape their businesses but also enrich the lives of their clients. These mothers bring beauty to the world, not only through their artistry but also through the nurturing care they provide to their families and communities. As they skillfully create stunning brows, lips, and eyeliner, they also weave threads of love and compassion into every stroke, leaving a lasting impact on those they touch. On this special day, let us honor and cherish these remarkable women, whose artistry and devotion inspire us all. Happy Mother's Day to the incredible mothers in the PMU industry and beyond!
How do you balance the demands of being a mother with the responsibilities of running a successful business like Microbeau?
First of all, I have always understood that just being a mother is not enough for me. I’m a creator, I'm an artist, so I can’t be locked up in a room and just babysit or do service that professional nanny can do. I know my role is very important in my daughter’s life, and I am fully present in her everyday life. I have established clear boundaries between work and family time to ensure that I can fully dedicate myself to both roles without overlap. When I attend PMU events, I feel like I suffer more than my daughter when I’m away, but I know she is having fun with her daddy.
As a co-founder of Microbeau and a PMU artist, how do you manage your time effectively to excel in both roles?
Over time, things are improving as my daughter is now attending after-school clubs for painting, singing classes, and jujitsu, allowing me more time to accomplish tasks. When she was younger, balancing work was challenging, but with a second child, I will not be as hard on myself in terms of balancing work commitments.
Can you share any strategies or tips you've found helpful for maintaining work-life balance as an entrepreneur and a mother?
Planning activities, meals, and other tasks in advance can definitely help make everything run more smoothly.
What challenges have you faced in juggling motherhood, entrepreneurship, and your career as a PMU artist, and how have you overcome them?
In the past, I judged myself as not being good enough as a mother. I forgive myself for that. Being a good mother means ensuring your child is safe and happy, and that you are happy too. Not sleeping at night for two years was very challenging. However, I made the choice to let my husband rest during the night, sacrificing my own sleep to ensure his well-being and support our business.
How do you integrate your experiences as a mother into your work at Microbeau and your PMU artistry?
When I became a mother, my intuition and ability to read body language became finely tuned to the point where I could discern what people around me needed at any given moment. Whether they were hungry, tired, or in need of a hug, I found myself becoming adept at understanding and interpreting people's facial expressions and emotions. This skill has proven invaluable in my professional life as well. Right now I have more tasks in my life, such as taking care of my daughter, I find that I can finish the PMU procedure faster.
What inspired you to co-found Microbeau, and how has being a mother influenced your vision for the company?
Microbeau was the first child born out of the love of a PMU artist and a mechanical engineer. Only with big feelings can something beautiful, like a Microbeau, be born.
My PMU students are like my children, and I want to provide them with the best tools to play and have fun. PMU artists are like my sisters, and I want to make sure I provide everything they need to create stable results that will have a positive impact on their careers and businesses.
How do you prioritize self-care amidst the demands of motherhood and entrepreneurship, and why do you believe it's important?
It’s so important to practice self-care to prevent burnout and maintain your physical and mental well-being, allowing you to be present and effective in all aspects of your life. Happy mama happy life, and self-care and relaxation are the key! I love to vary my workouts to prevent burnout and consider mixing in activities like walking or low impact workouts, stretching for balance. I really enjoy my 5 hours massage sessions and make sure to take breaks for meditation and naps to recharge both my body and mind.
What advice would you give to other mothers who aspire to pursue entrepreneurship while also nurturing their families?
My advice is to ask yourself and your soul what you would like to do or how you feel in this present moment. I always ask myself if this is something I truly want to do—is it 100% me? Being happy doesn’t necessarily mean you need to be an entrepreneur or business owner. You need to find your own happiness, and what brings happiness will vary for everyone.